No longer connecting to carplay

Jun 17, 2024
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So the last two times I've driven my truck it won’t connect to CarPlay. Nothing has changed that I know of. It appears the truck is connected to my home Wi-Fi and that is preventing it from looking for my phone on start up. I have to drive down the street, shut off the truck, and then restart the truck and it connects. This has actually happened a few times in the past 30 days. Nothing I have done is any different than when I got the truck last June. It has always connected to my home Wi-Fi and updates maps and apps while in the garage. It always dropped the Wi-Fi in favor of my phone until now. Anyone else experienced this?
Watch the top of the radio and see if the phone is connecting via Bluetooth. I have the same issue and as long as the phone connects, CarPlay will start in a few seconds.

Second, check and see if anyone has set another phone as first to connect. This will delay or prevent connection to other phones.

Third, are you trying to manually connect CarPlay by touching the icon and touching the correct phone icon? You shouldn’t ever have to shut the truck completely off. If so, to the dealer with you. lol
So the last two times I've driven my truck it won’t connect to CarPlay. Nothing has changed that I know of. It appears the truck is connected to my home Wi-Fi and that is preventing it from looking for my phone on start up. I have to drive down the street, shut off the truck, and then restart the truck and it connects. This has actually happened a few times in the past 30 days. Nothing I have done is any different than when I got the truck last June. It has always connected to my home Wi-Fi and updates maps and apps while in the garage. It always dropped the Wi-Fi in favor of my phone until now. Anyone else experienced this?
Friend is the Sales Manager at Chevy near me. You may have to reset the infotainment and run through it like a new truck, IE setting etc. Its a know issue at the dealerships but GM has not acknowledged the issue yet. It also affects the sound quality if running through Spotify or a streaming service. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply’s, glad I’m not the only one although it sucks. My phone will connect via Bluetooth but the CarPlay never connects unless I restart the truck away from my house. Prior to about 30 days ago I never had an issue. It just connected the way it should. I still have to do the recall for the infotainment system. Maybe that will fix it?
That will most likely do it. I just did mine with my neighbor in my garage and it seemed to fix things. Pretty simple, just takes about 10mins and resetting all your vehicle setting - Lights, comfort, security - all that fun stuff.
Got in the truck yesterday and everything worked like normal. The day before I went in to setting and told it to disconnect from my home Wi-Fi. I wonder if it reconnected? If not, maybe that’s why no issue yesterday. If it did connect why did it switch over to my phone like normal? Tech stuff is great! When it works.
Thanks for the reply’s, glad I’m not the only one although it sucks. My phone will connect via Bluetooth but the CarPlay never connects unless I restart the truck away from my house. Prior to about 30 days ago I never had an issue. It just connected the way it should. I still have to do the recall for the infotainment system. Maybe that will fix it?
go into wifi and hit forget home wifi whatever the name is, you must have hooked it up to your home before,
Got in the truck yesterday and everything worked like normal. The day before I went in to setting and told it to disconnect from my home Wi-Fi. I wonder if it reconnected? If not, maybe that’s why no issue yesterday. If it did connect why did it switch over to my phone like normal? Tech stuff is great! When it works.
Odd! I had to “forget” my phone yesterday and pair it again. Common GM get your s&@t together.
Odd! I had to “forget” my phone yesterday and pair it again. Common GM get your s&@t together.
I don’t know if this isn’t more of a Google issue than GM as GM theoretically gave them the keys by using AndroidAuto or whatever OS is in there and Google basically doesn’t care if we have issues post purchase.
I don’t know if this isn’t more of a Google issue than GM as GM theoretically gave them the keys by using AndroidAuto or whatever OS is in there and Google basically doesn’t care if we have issues post purchase.
It's a connection issue, one or both software systems are not communicating nicely. Fun Stuff!
The last two drives the truck has picked up the phone as it should. I need to check and see if it’s still connecting to home Wi-Fi when it’s in the garage. Or maybe leave well enough alone. If it ain’t broke…
The last two drives the truck has picked up the phone as it should. I need to check and see if it’s still connecting to home Wi-Fi when it’s in the garage. Or maybe leave well enough alone. If it ain’t broke…
You could follow the engineers way of doing things and fix it till it’s broke.
It happened again yesterday. Got in the truck drove down the road and no car play connect. There was a notification the off line maps was updating. I let it finish update while I drove to my destination and it never connected to car play. After my appointment I came out and started the truck and it connected to CarPlay immediately. I guess it can’t multitask?