What would you do?

is all that worth staying "possibly" indebt for just a bison kit? Is it really worth it over what you have now? Why not upgrade what you have now even more and stay out of debt. Unless what you have now is a real problem child with issues.
I pay cash for everything so no debt. I have decided to hold off for a 2025 and, possibly, a 2500HD.
The black paint sucks. For whatever reason the black paint chips excessively in the front. I should have held out for a blue or something with metallic paint since that holds up better. Or PPF the front end like I should have done when it was new
My black truck has had zero paint issues. No chipping at all on the front. I do not have PPF, but I did ceramic coat the entire truck right after I purchased it.
How much do you need my friend?
enough to offset the price I paid in cash when I purchased mine. I too have NO DEBT. Truck is black and it has been pretty much trouble free. The only hiccup has been the little square door lock button stopped working. I am very happy with mine and I have had it a year and a half.
If you would send the money, I would use it to get a Pro Charger setup on it and upgrade the exhaust.
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