Surgery Scheduled for Tomorrow!

Hope all goes well @securityguy. if they offer a nerve block on top of the regular anesthesia, take it! When I had rotor cuff and bicep surgery, that helped me immensely. Physical therapy is going to suck, but is a must. A good cryo cuff will also help with pain. 🙏🏼
Hope your surgery is 100% successful and your recovery is painless and fast. I hate wrecks and I have been to the to the hospital because of them! Motorcycles always are what sent me.
Thanks Dave. Headed to the surgery center in about 15 minutes. Surgery is scheduled for 11:15am. I appreciate everyone's prayers my friends!
Hopefully you can get a ride in the passenger side every once in a while while you recover quickly. Get your brain off the pain, and focus on something else. The prayers continue for a complete and rejuvenated healing.
Hey guys! As many of you have seen, and may enjoy :)ROFLMAO:), I haven't been very active for a few weeks. While visiting my Mom in Maryland to help her out, who just got out of the hospital and rehab from a bad fall, we were both in a very bad car accident. I was taking her to the grocery store driving her car, since she couldn't get up into my big ass truck, and we were hit by a speeding van. Car was Mom is a bit bruised and I walked away with a broken left shoulder 😥 The accident happened a few days before Halloween on Monday and I had to drive 12 hours back to FL with a broken shoulder that of the most miserable and uncomfortable drives I have ever had to make. My shoulder is getting repaired tomorrow and I am not supposed to drive for at least 4-6 weeks which really sucks. I am going to have my daughter's BF take the truck out once a week for a 20-30 minute drive to keep it active so it doesn't just sit for a month in my driveway.

If I can ask each of you for your prayers that tomorrow's surgery goes off without a hitch, it will be most appreciated. I will try to stay current, via my phone, and monitor the forum to remain somewhat active. I love you guys and enjoy being a part of this family. Have a great day my friends and I look forward to chatting with you again soon.
So sorry to hear brother! Praise God your mom and you are okay for the most part! 🙏Praying for a speedy recovery!