Hey guys! As many of you have seen, and may enjoy


, I haven't been very active for a few weeks. While visiting my Mom in Maryland to help her out, who just got out of the hospital and rehab from a bad fall, we were both in a very bad car accident. I was taking her to the grocery store driving her car, since she couldn't get up into my big ass truck, and we were hit by a speeding van. Car was totaled...my Mom is a bit bruised and I walked away with a broken left shoulder

The accident happened a few days before Halloween on Monday and I had to drive 12 hours back to FL with a broken shoulder that Saturday...one of the most miserable and uncomfortable drives I have ever had to make. My shoulder is getting repaired tomorrow and I am not supposed to drive for at least 4-6 weeks which really sucks. I am going to have my daughter's BF take the truck out once a week for a 20-30 minute drive to keep it active so it doesn't just sit for a month in my driveway.
If I can ask each of you for your prayers that tomorrow's surgery goes off without a hitch, it will be most appreciated. I will try to stay current, via my phone, and monitor the forum to remain somewhat active. I love you guys and enjoy being a part of this family. Have a great day my friends and I look forward to chatting with you again soon.