I have been watching the engine failures here and in FB groups. There seems to be a common denominator. Lots of failures leaving people stranded on long trips that I equate to low rpm interstate driving at 1,500-1,800 rpm's for hundreds of miles. That leads me to the variable displacement oil pump along with the dfm that is probably very active in that rpm range along with the oil pump likely sending less oil through the engine. Lots of people see a high engine oil temp warning before it goes. It will be interesting to see if the range mitigates any of these failures. I am taking the 6.2 on a road trip in Jan. Hope it doesn't leave me stranded in the cold. I changed the oil at 970 miles and again at 2,950. I will do it again at 6,000 and every 3 to 5k miles after that. If it blows up there was nothing else I could have done to prevent it.
This guys not a fan of the variable speed oil pump and thinks it is a bad idea. I tend to agree.
This is all to save a 10th of a mpg over thousands of V8's sold on paper by GM to satisfy .gov economy regulations.