I have a friend with a 24 ZR2 Bison that is having the same issue. He has a Borla Attack without the "Active Exhaust" and he did the same thing you did with the Exhaust Control Module.
His truck constantly gives a check engine light.
I have a 25 ZR2 with the GM Borla exhaust installed from the dealer. The dealer told me they "deleted" the Active Exhaust. I have not yet been underneath the truck to see what that looks like. My truck no longer has the active mode but runs fine and does not give any check engine lights.
In addition, we also purchased the
Carbyte product to disable the AFM\DFM and Auto Start\Stop. This product works great!
For his truck, the Carbyte removed the the Check Engine light for almost a week. Then it reappeared for a short time and went off again. It also showed that the CEL was on because of miss fires... We are assuming this is from going from 8 to 4 mode but don't know if this is related to the his exhaust.
There is also information from
AWE (Pg. 10, step 14) about using the supplied "valve sim" (Part # 1310-11040) to stop any CEL's.
He has not yet gotten this part number to test it.
For sure this is a mystery as to why (how) GM disables this and Borla (and others) cannot.
More to come.