ZR2 AUDIO CUT OUT/ ADDING ZR2 splash art on start up resolved.

Thanks OP, will have them flash this in when I have them fix my trailer brake warranty issue. (y)
my DB local dealer wanted the error code on display before they did my trailer brake recall. scummy move.
I have a 2022 ZR2 Silverado. Biggest concern was audio cutting in and out during the first 10-15 minutes of driving. Second was not having that special ZR2 splash art on the instrument cluster at start up. The 2023 and up models have them, why can’t I?

I’ve taken this vehicle in several times for the audio issue and no one can help besides “updating software or doing a FR”. The issue remained.

I finally got a master tech who not only corrected all the issues, but he documented his responses that I will post in screen shots. The audio is now FIXED, I have the ZR2 logo on start. I also got an added bonus and the cameras remain on while driving which makes it perfect for off roading and checking clearance. No more timer then the camera shuts off.

I initiated the conversation with the dealer stating the same audio story, but adding that I did have the ZR2 splash and it just went away after an OTA update (even though I never had it). I made it a point to have them “put it back to what it was”. Then the master tech came into picture. Good luck!
Thanks for posting this. After my last update my display turned into a Tahoe and I told them it was a ZR2 display before the update (even though it wasn’t since mine is a 2022). This update fixed the audio issue and gave me the ZR2 display. My cameras still time out though….
I went to the dealership yesterday 10/19/23 for the oil change and showed my service advisor the post with the download code that was posted on here will re-attach, and so far no audio dropouts. My only concern is will it stay fixed after the next update.
I’m taking mine in next Friday for an oil change and tire rotation I have the screenshot printed out and will see if they will address it.
Mine goes in Friday for the rear park assist retro. They are going to take a look at what I printed from the beginning of this thread. Not sure if they will attempt it. If they do I just hope the cluster doesn’t brick like I have seen happen to others. 😳