Zero cylinder coast mode sucks...... Range don't disable it.... Save your money.

That makes sense. I haven’t really noticed 0 cylinder mode on my 2025 with the active exhaust in normal or sport mode.
Like @AXE said, You notice it more with the performance exhaust compared to the stock exhaust. It's a little annoying to have the engine shut down in coast mode but for me it seems to be improving my fuel mileage slightly. To be the benefits of the module far outweigh the drawbacks. I've had mine for a few months now and I also have the ultimate 9 throttle controller and I find when I run it in ultimate 5 or higher or in adapt mode It doesn't Go to zero cylinder deactivation as often. I would tend to think it's because of the throttle controller making the engine think there is more throttle input than they're actually is when I let my foot off the pedal. As I said regardless I'm still happy with my purchase and when I spoke with tech support at range they said there is possible software updates coming in the future but for now they are just trying to stay ahead of the curve in production getting them out. Once that happens and demand levels off than they can focus on updates. I guess we just have to wait and see. It's much better than driving around in L9 or having the DFM active. It's only about 15 to 30 seconds of silence when you're coasting to a stop which is not really a big deal. It's one of those products you just take it or leave it. I'm happy with mine.