One small issue…
I’ve pretty much done the same setup as you, my upfitter switches are working well, I have them controlling my compressor, horn relay, light bar, and dash cams. I wired all this up in one go including additional wiring for two pressure sensors for my tank/compressor setup, gauge power, relays for grille led blade, relay for the horn, radar detector so I’m pretty sure a bad ground somewhere is the culprit. The issue I am having is that only one indicator light on the switches will power on, or at least bright enough I can see it, at a time. So if any one switch is on it’s indicator comes on, if I turn on any second switch then no indicator lights seem to be illuminated. The light from the first switch power on goes out. Everything else functions perfect, including the button illumination and dimming. Just curious if you saw this issue. The only logical thing I thing it could be is that my extension wire for the switch ground circuit has some resistance some how. I might either redo that wire or tap it at the switch connector and run a new ground to the frame. I would have liked to just get some new terminal connectors and run new wires for that part of the harness but I just kind of took the path of least resistance at the moment and cut the wire harness and soldered in extensions to each wire.