Thought I'd share this with you guys. As you know, I was the first to install the Ultimate 9 controller and, since that time, several of you have taken the plunge and praised its responsiveness. Well...I forgot to select "FACTORY" mode when I took her in this morning. The tech jumps into the truck and was like WOW!!! WTF

He didn't see the controller but looked at the accelerator and saw the connection to the controller. He said this thing was amazing and gave it high praise. Just for giggles, I set it to factory mode on the initial drive home to recall what stock was like. It was a frickin DOG and miserable to drive. I put it back on Utlimate 7 and the smile on my face was ear to ear once again.
If you have yet to try one of these, you owe it to yourself as you will never drive another truck again without one. I like the Ultimate9 evcX versus others (and I have tried 4 different kinds over the past few years) because it has a VALET mode for one; two, you can totally disconnect the controller from the vehicle and the unit still works; and three it has an ANTI-THEFT capability so if someone tries to steal your truck the accelerator pedal is disabled. No other unit on the market has this capability. It is well worth another $100 give or take IMPO. I get nothing from promoting these guys other than the satisfaction of turning each of you onto a product that does exactly what is says and wakes up the truck like nothing in the price range could ever do.
Happy motoring guys!