Seat & mirrors

Mar 19, 2025
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I have drivers seat motor fixed, it seems that is a usual fix on a 2500 said by dealer.
But my main question to the group is. does anyone notice when your on the highway. Your glass on side mirrors shake so bad they are useless. In any vehicle I have never seen this and in any truck or 2500.
The glass rattles and useless to see from.
I had a previous 2022 Silverado LTZ that was like that. I traded it away before they got the parts in to replace the mirror.
My 1500 ZR2 right side mirror stuck as well a fee times. Took to dealership for thst and a laundry list of other stuff. Said they did an update and supposedly fixed it. Has anyone else noticed the dealerships using an update fixed as a solution for EVERY issue?