Kicker Hideaway Install

So, if I understand you correctly, you take the positive left and right from the amp (Kicker Hideaway 8) combine them and attach to the Blue/Gray...And same for the two negatives?

I'm not that familiar with that sub. But it looks like it's just a powered sub with the amp built in. You can connect the sub channel to both the right and left inputs, but you only really need one. It shouldn't make a difference. It's a mono sub and you are feeding it from a single channel sub output. Connecting both channels to a single source shouldn't make a difference. Usually on powered subs the two channels are just combined internally anyway. If it were me I'd just put the sub channel into the left channel input.
. 我對那個子不太熟悉。但看起來它只是一個內建擴大機的主動低音炮。應該沒有什麼差別。它是單聲道低音炮,您可以從單通道低音炮輸出饋送它。將兩個通道連接到一個來源應該不會產生什麼影響。通常在有源重低音上,兩個通道只是在內部組合。If it were me I'd just put the sub channel into the left channel input. that part. :ROFLMAO:

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