ZR2 Died

I just bought a new truck and dealer offer free lifetime warranty on engine and transmission on original owner basically Powertrain. ( now that’s a piece of mind)
Everyone should be asking for this!

What kind of documents did they provide on that warranty? Was that written in the sales agreement or issued as an addendum?
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Just like doing your normal maintenance that comes with the truck (offer thur dealership)and yes it’s a contract by Toyota LOL FREE better than none at all plus I have 100000 mile 5 years from GM and a 125000 mile warranty for all electricial with 100 deductible unlimited years whichever comes first
One of the local dealerships here offer life time power train but you MUST bring it to them for everything to include oil changes. I sure as hell aint doing that. I dont have all day to wait around while they get to it around here and there are too many stories of dealerships messing even that up.
What's the longest extended warranty you can get?

My boy got one on the 2015 Duramax I sold him. I think he paid a little too much, but he wanted a 5 year. Truck had about 90k on it when he added it.
8 years and that includes the factory 3 years. I got the 7 year/70K plan for $1,975. Guarantee that I’m coming out ahead on this one. And if I dump this bitch early, then gives new owner tremendous peace of mind.

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