‘We’re Not Selling Monitors’: GM Doubles Down On Anti CarPlay Move

I think they are testing the waters with doing this only on EV's. EV buyers are still early adopters IMO, and early adopters are typically more willing to put up with BS as a technology gets the kinks worked out. If nobody complains about a subscription fee to roll down the windows via your key fob, or whatever else inane BS GM thinks they can charge for, then it'll probably get rolled out to legacy ICE buyers too. Plus, in the increasingly unlikely event that GM does go 100% electric by 2035, this could be the future for everyone.
I kinda agree. Like I said earlier, if the GM infotainment system goes over well in the EV's then it will probably be released in ICE vehicles also.
I agree no one is close to Tesla. GM plays it too safe and ends up shooting themselves in the foot along with us die hard GM fans.

They need new blood designing infotainment systems.
Talk to the Minecraft Developers.......their shit has been working for decades!

Also Rivian had the best system with highest customer satisfaction!
Which part? I do believe that if GM can bake subscription fees into EV's and make money off of it, ICE customers won't be far behind.

BMW's already taken it a step further, they are starting to charge a subscription fee in some European countries to unlock the performance suspension that's already installed on the car.
GM going all electric by 2035. on paper im sure it looks like a great idea...its a feel good unicorn and rainbow idea thats not physically possible. just start with the infrastructure issue and when you get to the wind turbines and solar probs, let me know.
It's going to take customers and dealers complaining before they will change their stance. If customers stop buying because of it, they will backtrack on the decision. I don't know if I'll be buying anything new again for other reasons but this helps keep from buying new as well.
I've been thinking that my Bison might be the last brand new vehicle I buy, and this definitely helps to solidify that decision.

Everyone is focused on the lack of Car Play or Android Auto but I think that's missing the mark. Tesla doesn't offer either of those and no one is complaining, though from that I've heard and seen, Tesla's infotainment system is top notch. I still have gaps in the Bluetooth audio in my truck that the dealer seems to have no clue how to fix.

My big worry comes from this sentence:

GM seems to think nickle and dimeing their customers for "subscriptions" is going to be a huge money maker for them and building their own infotainment system will allow them to bake subscriptions deep into the software. I refuse to purchase a vehicle from a manufacturer that thinks Enshittification is a valid business strategy.
I've been a GM guy pretty much all my adult life, started when I was old enough, though, to appreciate GM's real heyday back in the 60's and 70's during the muscle car era. It seems, though, particularly lately, GM is doing its best to run off customers from my demographic. This is just one more example of that.

GM also must not have learned from its failed NAVSTAR system which you had to pay $180 to get updated maps periodically. I do, however, like having Onstar which I think is still useful. I actually had a brief debate years ago with an Acura salesman who touted no one needs Onstar anymore since they have a cellphone. I told him that's true, as long as you are conscious. He still didn't get it so I told him Onstar calls emergency services once an accident has been detected, sends them to your location. That's really important if you are not conscious and able to dial from your phone, if you are even able to locate your phone after the accident.

Other ancillary nickel and dime charges though, like paying for your heated seats and even XM radio (which I do not pay for, don't like paying for radio), will not be something I will do. I may be relegated to buying an older truck or car in the future if this is the direction the auto industry is headed. I am NOT ok with paying a boatload for a vehicle loaded with technology only to be bled with smaller cuts for Ala mode plans so I can continue to use the technology they built into my new money pit.
So very well said my new friend!!!