Weather app on home screen?

Sep 1, 2023
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If you view the truck on the Chevy website and view interior. You can see on the right side they're showing a weather tibit where the clock and trailer stuff is. How do we get that to show up? 24 1500

I went looking for it and I can't find anything on it, maybe it would be something available if you had an android phone, but I have apple so I can't play with it to try and find out. I still have the whole kit and caboodle working as I'm still in the 3 month trial period (1 month trial + 2 extra free from OnStar custserv) so I asked google to put it up there, she doesn't know what I'm talking about, and I tried a number of ways to see if something might work, nothing. My guess is that it is a computer generated pic based on wish list thinking that doesn't really exist in real life, but let me know if you figure anything out please.
They definitely need to add more options for the side panel. Seems like a waste. So many things I would want there instead of a clock.
I don't understand the reason for the clock on the side anyway. The time is on the main screen. Typically I just have the map and audio on the screen. Often I just leave the map on full screen. Even just driving around town. I just think it looks better.
I apologize for dredging up an old thread........ Did anyone find out if we can get an onboard live radar weather app? I'm using the Weather&Radar app that's on my phone but using it through Android Auto. It's pretty good but it only has a static radar "pic" that renews every minute or so. The Weather Channel app is nowhere to be found onboard on my truck.
It's weird that it's no longer available on most of our trucks. I had a 2017 Ram 1500 that had it, my son's Frontier has it and my wife's Armada has it. I've read that you have to have OnStar to be able to download it, but then I've read people who have OnStar still don't have it. Does Chevrolet have
some kind of resource to ask if we're just SOL with the apps that are available to us? Through the onboard Playstore I only see music, news and radio apps.
I was messing around with this and installed the weather app thats native to the infotainment system in my 24 and its hot garbage. Not that its any better, but I’m sticking to using Storm Radar on my phone and MyRadar through Apple CarPlay for the time being. Sadly the rules around “animated apps” while driving has put a major crunch on anyone putting effort into great weather apps for vehicles. GPS guidance is fine, but for some reason a weather map in motion is not. 🤷‍♂️
I've read the same thing about having an app with motion. It must be a Google, Apple, Android thing because my son's onboard weather radar app is animated and will alert with weather warnings. He has a 2023 Frontier Pro4X. Weather & Radar, the app I use through Android Auto, has a static weather radar image, but has a live animated wind direction layer! It's got me about bumfuzzeled!