Train Horn


I've been framed like Roger Rabit
These were street legal. The 540 Shafiroff Racing motor on the Boss Hoss (came with a 502) was just one of many modifications that made it a beast. The 540 literally made the Busa Silent lol. Air horns are for twinks and are just for show and trying to scare people.

Lol your calling people on here idiots and Twinks for having loud horns, while bragging about your boss hog that makes your busa seem silent 🤦🏻
Lol your calling people on here idiots and Twinks for having loud horns, while bragging about your boss hog that makes your busa seem silent 🤦🏻
Just stating facts----they were legal, and my intention was not to try and terrorize people walking on the sidewalk or crossing the street with them. You use the illegal air horn as a weapon so to speak on a public road, cause an accident you will learn the hard way possibly both from the criminal and civil side as dash cams both front and rear are common. ;)

My modifications are all about performance not about using the horn as a weapon to terrorize people.
Just stating facts----they were legal, and my intention was not to try and terrorize people walking on the sidewalk or crossing the street with them. You use the illegal air horn as a weapon so to speak on a public road, cause an accident you will learn the hard way possibly both from the criminal and civil side as dash cams both front and rear are common. ;)

My modifications are all about performance not about using the horn as a weapon to terrorize people.
It's not a weapon, no more then you revving your engine when a car comes into your lane. Or probably more likely you flying by a car when they have their windows down. Terrorize is a bit much. It's a horn. I don't think people are terrified when a fire truck or ambulance passes them. To me you sound like a harley guy complaining about loud car stereos. Mines loud for good reason, But theirs is just a nuisance. I don't care that your bikes are loud, point is they are loud and complaining that others make loud noises in public is silly. Especially when your reasoning is mine is for performance. Right cause you need a busa or 505 boss hog to keep up with traffic right? No way you would ever break a traffic law.
It's not a weapon, no more then you revving your engine when a car comes into your lane. Or probably more likely you flying by a car when they have their windows down. Terrorize is a bit much. It's a horn. I don't think people are terrified when a fire truck or ambulance passes them. To me you sound like a harley guy complaining about loud car stereos. Mines loud for good reason, But theirs is just a nuisance. I don't care that your bikes are loud, point is they are loud and complaining that others make loud noises in public is silly. Especially when your reasoning is mine is for performance. Right cause you need a busa or to keep up with traffic right? No way you would ever break a traffic law.

LOL no such thing as a "505 boss hog". Nice attempt though. Train horns are much louder than semi or ambulance sirens and they are not legal to use on a public road. My point went over your head like a SR-71 as some people even some on this thread get enjoyment in terrorizing people who are not even in a vehicle but just walking and like to see them jump. Seen it more than once. :)

To my point you have no valid response except to try and deflect.
Dave and I haven't always agreed on this forum, but I do agree that those horns are annoying as hell and I like his motorbikes!

I don't hear those horns much anymore. I guess people had their fun last decade......LOL
I’ve been using a train horn on my truck for a while now, and it’s definitely one of the most fun mods I’ve done. The sound never gets old, especially when people aren’t paying attention or doing something they shouldn't on the road. I wired mine up with a pressure switch to control the sound, and the volume is crazy loud. I think it’s essential to get a decent air tank setup for longer honks, though.If you’re considering adding a train horn to your truck, make sure to check out . They’ve got a solid selection, and I’ve had a good experience with their kits. You’ll get that powerful blast that turns heads, and it’s really easy to install.
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I remember that bumper sticker....... "Keep Honking I'm Loading".


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