Thinking about one of these.....

Jan 1, 2023
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Where da frack do you live that you need this!
I don't recall anywhere in the 2nd Amendment talking about "need", but to answer the question, ANYWHERE to repel tyranny at all but close range, for that we use a 1911 or any other reliable semi auto or revolver, but I prefer a semi auto with multiple magazines (not gangster so I don't call them "clips", that would be for a Garand or similar rifle) compared to speed loaders for a revolver.
I don't recall anywhere in the 2nd Amendment talking about "need", but to answer the question, ANYWHERE to repel tyranny at all but close range, for that we use a 1911 or any other reliable semi auto or revolver, but I prefer a semi auto with multiple magazines (not gangster so I don't call them "clips", that would be for a Garand or similar rifle) compared to speed loaders for a revolver.
Oh god, here we go...
My biggest issue with something like that is being visible when away from vehicle, for me, bumper stickers or anything visible is a big no no, if someone looks in my car it almost looks like a new vehicle sitting on the lot, maybe a soda can is visible, and that's about it, I like my vehicles clean inside. I live half way between Baltimore and DC, so we have more 2 legged by far, but 4 legged ones show up on my security cams more often down where I live, but you gotta go out sometime, can't stay at home forever.
I live in Arizona and spend a lot of time in North Dakota and everywhere in between. Have worked all over the western United States from Alaska to Texas. I've only had a couple interactions that I thought might go sideways, but I'm good at reading people and can usually avoid sketchy situations. You can only be prepared and avoid conflict whenever possible. You just never know when it's gonna be impossible.
That’s a Jeep accessory there. I went down that rabbit hole a few years ago and came to the conclusion that I could not find something that I felt comfortable with holding a 5-9lb metal object above my or my family’s heads that didn’t involve drilling holes through my roof. I ended up mounting under the larger rear seat using Velcro.
My biggest issue with something like that is being visible when away from vehicle, for me, bumper stickers or anything visible is a big no no, if someone looks in my car it almost looks like a new vehicle sitting on the lot, maybe a soda can is visible, and that's about it, I like my vehicles clean inside. I live half way between Baltimore and DC, so we have more 2 legged by far, but 4 legged ones show up on my security cams more often down where I live, but you gotta go out sometime, can't stay at home forever.
Being in plain view in an empty vehicle can be a misdemeanor if you’re not in it too in my state.

Dude, I’m kinda surprised someone hasn’t busted in just because of the vehicle itself but good idea to be gray man. I often remark when I see a vehicle covered in gun stickers that if I needed to steal one that guy is advertising.
Looks like a Jeep or Bronco hard top. It looks custom and doesn't seem to be compatible with all headliners.

I tried to find something like that before I came up with my other consol setup. Lots of products for UTVs, but not for trucks.
I believe it is a Jeep in the pic. Cool accessory though!
Old thread I know but it is definitely a JLU Wrangler in the pic. I seem to recall someone posting that in the forums as a DIY creation. I could be wrong as sometimes I am forgetful lol.