Rear Seat Rattles...Anyone?? (With Video)

I had a squeak coming from the drivers side back seat, I stuck a small towel between the back of the seat and the the back wall of the cab right below the head rest. Haven't had a squeak since. Not a proper fix but it worked. lol
I had a squeak coming from the drivers side back seat, I stuck a small towel between the back of the seat and the the back wall of the cab right below the head rest. Haven't had a squeak since. Not a proper fix but it worked. lol
I think it has to do with the seatbelt in the backseat… They're fixing mine tomorrow supposedly.
I've had the same issue, initially it was intermittent, so the dealership couldn't isolate they just lubed the seat. Well intermittent became constant, and down right annoying,, dealership could finally hear it as well. Long and short, there is a technical service bulletin out on it, rear seat bracket needs to be replaced. In the shop today, keep you posted on the outcome.
Well, the outcome wasn't good, replacing the rear seat bracket didn't work. Problem is the rear seat behind the drivers seat, up in the corner of seat back nearest the window (where the black handle behind the seat is) there is a ton of play, that's what is causing the rattle. I folded up an old hand towel and stuffed it back there, quiet as a church mouse.

Service dept said they are leaving the ticket open and reaching out to GM. They seem to think it's inside the seat, I think it's the brackets behind the seat. Is it just me, after spending nearly 70K on a vehicle, I have to resort to jamming old rags in my rig to fix problems. It's fixed, yet....
Black tape and bailin wire is a ford fix. I wouldn’t accept that after all the money we paid for these trucks. If they are going to charge a premium they will have to do better than that.
Agreed, now the darn thing won't shift out of off road mode.
Black tape and bailin wire is a ford fix. I wouldn’t accept that after all the money we paid for these trucks. If they are going to charge a premium they will have to do better than that.
I used a come along and 4 washers to straighten my $2500 Bison bumper. If I would have thought about black tape, I could have saved $0.10.
If you have underseat storage or subwoofer, they are mounted to the body via a poorly designed retention nut on the bottom of the truck, using the same bolt as the rear seat (driver's side). When my local dealer installed my subwoofer, the tech must have approached the bolt from a bad angle and ended up breaking the retention nut loose. It's a $2-3k fix for the body shop, they have to cut the sheet metal and order a new retention nut, weld it in place, and repaint the interior body work. Apparently it's a significant safety issue for seat integrity in collisions.

All of this to say, check under the driver's side rear passenger seat for a loose bolt. May be totally unrelated.
Hey everyone. For those of you who have received their ZR2, have you experienced a rattle from the rear seat headrest area while going over bumps? It is quite loud and annoying for me. I have posted a video. I have taken everything I store from under the rear seats (thinking the cause was some of my stuff that I store under my seats) but the sound still persists.

Yes, tried everything to get it to stop.....mine was a bolt that was not tightened enough. Took it the dealer and they fixed it with while taking care of another item.
So the dealership called me this AM, they have a fix. Need to pull the seat and remove the seat cover, evidently their is an adjustment that moves the back forward a bit eliminating the rattle. Update when completed.
It worked, quiet as a church mouse, didn't realize how much noise that rattle made until my drive home and how amazingly quiet it is now. Fix was seat latch fitment, when you raise the back seat, that latch you see was the issue. The 'fitment' was placing some shims in there to eliminate the excess play.