Newbie from Kentucky - 2023 ZR2

Mar 13, 2023
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Hey all, thought I would join this forum since I just acquired a new sand colored 2023 ZR2. It looks, drives and feels awesome. But I have to say, after seeing some of these posts, I’m growing concerned I made a bad decision. Hopefully not! Love it so far, but it has less than 200 miles on it. Waiting on side steps and diamondbackHD bed cover to come in.
Hey all, thought I would join this forum since I just acquired a new sand colored 2023 ZR2. It looks, drives and feels awesome. But I have to say, after seeing some of these posts, I’m growing concerned I made a bad decision. Hopefully not! Love it so far, but it has less than 200 miles on it. Waiting on side steps and diamondbackHD bed cover to come in.
Drive more...worry less ;) No matter what you buy, looking at any forum will scare the crap out of you and make you second guess your decision!
Drive more...worry less ;) No matter what you buy, looking at any forum will scare the crap out of you and make you second guess your decision!
True. I was just thinking that if I went to the Ford, Toyota or Ram forum I could probably find the same! Lol. Thanks.
Hey all, thought I would join this forum since I just acquired a new sand colored 2023 ZR2. It looks, drives and feels awesome. But I have to say, after seeing some of these posts, I’m growing concerned I made a bad decision. Hopefully not! Love it so far, but it has less than 200 miles on it. Waiting on side steps and diamondbackHD bed cover to come in.
nice truck!! you made good choice.
looks like there are a few of us here in KY! Don’t worry about your purchase, it’s a damn good truck!
what part of ky? i bought mine early 2022, no ragrets
Louisville. Good to hear!
I only have 180 miles on mine but love it so far. Hope to avoid some of the problems mentioned on the forum, but I guess they all have quirks.
what part of ky? i bought mine early 2022, no ragrets
Louisville. Good to hear!
I only have 180 miles on mine but love it so far. Hope to avoid some of the problems mentioned on the forum, but I guess they all have quirks.
looks like there are a few of us here in KY! Don’t worry about your purchase, it’s a damn good truck!
Thanks. It sure feels solid. Love how it drives and the tech is pretty cool. I’m pleased with the updated interior too. Came from a diesel in my last truck, doubt I’ll get another diesel, but did consider the duramax 3.0 in the GMC AT4 and Trail Boss but didn’t feel The price difference for the gmc was worth it. Seems like a nice motor, just got tired of dealing with diesel and def. Feels good to be back in a gas motor.
Louisville. Good to hear!
I only have 180 miles on mine but love it so far. Hope to avoid some of the problems mentioned on the forum, but I guess they all have quirks.
You really can't avoid anything...the problems will find you when you least expect it. Here's to hoping none of us have issues in the foreseeable future! I am getting close to 1500 miles on mine and the only thing pissing me off is the radio muting periodically for the first 10 minutes of driving. I hope an update fixes this soon.
You really can't avoid anything...the problems will find you when you least expect it. Here's to hoping none of us have issues in the foreseeable future! I am getting close to 1500 miles on mine and the only thing pissing me off is the radio muting periodically for the first 10 minutes of driving. I hope an update fixes this soon.
True. I too hope they can address glitches through updates. The only thing I noticed is that when I start up the truck, within the first 30 seconds I get a momentary pause in the sound, but it comes right back on. It could be phone syncing or something. Hasn’t Really bothered me….yet.

So far one thing that does bug me a bit, is the hump to the left of the brake pedal. I know it’s picky, but it doesn’t allow me to stretch my foot out. It’s good for pushing yourself against the seat and securing you, but wish i could stretch my foot out. It’s no biggie and I’m tall. I hope that’s all I have to complain about!😁
Just got it wrapped in PPF yesterday and a ceramic coat on it today. Pick it up tomorrow. Havent had it for a week and I already miss it!