Most recent update version


Founding Member
Apr 18, 2022
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Can anybody give me their most recent Google version on their radio? I had an OTA update pop up the other day saying it needed to be installed to ensure future OTA updates and I had a call come in literally 2 seconds after I hit install and nothing happened. I checked my most recent update and it says 10/2022 so now I’m worried I’m going to have to go to the dealer for a flash. I know there will be people who haven’t had a new updates pushed yet, I’m looking for a version on somebody who recently had an update pushed. Thanks!
Google was last updated in 2021 on mine. The update that was pushed to you was more than likely the "Important Update GM N22-2379480". You can check to see if it was installed by looking at previous updates on the infotainment system.
Mine says 2021 as well. Even though I had an update sometime after I got the truck. My screens are still so laggy and buggy. If they don't have an update soon that fixes all of this I am going to trade it in and buy a Raptor...
Mine says 2021 as well. Even though I had an update sometime after I got the truck. My screens are still so laggy and buggy. If they don't have an update soon that fixes all of this I am going to trade it in and buy a Raptor...
The good news is, I can get about $10K more than I paid for my truck if mine starts becoming troublesome. Not sure I'd buy a Ford though ;)

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