So after finishing this clean up, here's a few more things you might want to know.
1) the taillight is marginally safe with lacquer thinner. I tested it on another ZR2 taillight that I had cracked. It did not mess up the surface, but did think it would make it a tad cloudy and you'd have to polish a lot more. I ended up using a medium cutting compound,, fine conpund and polish to getit off and shiny, so it worked well.
2) the plastic center cap on the AEV wheel reacted badlly to the laquer thinner on the inside when I tested. I did not want to chance it, even though it was painted and cleared. Used the same compound and polish as the taillight, but it took a long time with a 1.5 inch pad due to all the curved and angular surfaces. But it looked fine when done.
3) AMP steps were fine with lacquer thinner, but used a detail brush to apply it and dissolve the white paint. The rag woukd not rub much due to the texture. Had to apply a lot of thinner and blot some with the rag.
4) paint on the wheels was good to go and I used the lacquer thinner and a soft cotton rag just like the paint.
5) the paint on the tires was also hard to remove cause a rag woukd not rub. Used the detail brush again and applied a lot of thinner one half at a time, bottom half only. It would run off the tire, but just do the lower half then rotate the tire and do the other half or it'll run back into the tire beed and wheel.
Overall, this took longer than expected and will be a good 4 hours after final buffing and ceramic finish.