All good here my dude, just pointing out it’s something that gets mentioned and examples can be found on various forums that contradict the AFM/DFM delete being a 100% solution. I am by not means saying it doesn’t help, been driving in L9 in the very hope it is the silver bullet here but I don’t think it’s a guarantee based on other examples. It’s a topic often on repeat and I’ve come to the conclusion, if I continue to own this truck, it’s simply a risk.
I don’t like it but my LML duramax was a high risk of the dreaded Bosch cp4 injector pump failure…google that, it’s a freaking nightmare. I ultimately did a cp3 pump conversion to ease my mind…others like my ol man, beat the snot out of his truck on the farm, ran it way heavy and way hard pulling cattle, equipment, and round bales. He NEVER used any diesel additives, fueled up at whatever station was in his line of sight, changed oil when he got tired of it singing at him, and had zero issues through 180k miles…go figure.
I digress, you can find examples but agree we are operating on a certain threshold of speculation. Unfortunately, I don’t think any of us have a definitive solution or mitigation option at this point in time or that would be the response on repeat when brought up. I agree with many guys here that proactive and quality maintenance is key as well (it’s just cheap insurance across the board but even that’s not a guarantee you won’t have mechanical issues)…but I would bet a good steak dinner there are guys all over the country that don’t do that either and haven’t hit the unlucky jackpot (I say that because most of us probably have those buddies, like my dad above, that you just shake your head at but somehow they just keep dodging major mechanical issue bullets by defying the car gods

I sure hope it’s something they resolve for good as it’s just ridiculous at this point we continue to even be having this discussion and pointing to examples numerous years later. I’ve read nothing that changed in ‘23 year that would lead me to believe the risk has been mitigated either.
Best of luck, for what it’s worth, I do really enjoy this truck and have 7700 miles on a ‘22 and am keeping it despite the risk at this point as it’s a solid option for what I do.