Leveling Kit

Sorry, yes that is what I'm talking about. Sorry
That makes a lot more sense!!! You certainly can do that, 35’s might make enough difference it would be worth it.
Our ZR2’s are already overgeared with 33’s. If I were putting 35’s on, I’d definitely jump up to at least 3.55’s. Heck I wish mine had 3.55’s with the 33’s!
I think I’m having this issue. I told the local shop that I needed UCAs with the level and they insisted that I didn’t. They also said I don’t need to regear for 35s but now I even hit a speed bump and my front end sounds AWFUL. I’m kinda afraid to drive it. I took it back to them and they basically said it’s not their problem that it might be a factory defect. The truck is a year old.
Can you tell me what happened with yours? I’m trying to figure out what all I’m gonna have to replace.
Thinking back the steering had a slight hang in it a couple weeks before it broke. Like turning left while driving there was a spot when I was moving the wheel that gave resistance then it would disappear.

The day it went, I had just dropped off my kid from having surgery at home and had went to the pharmacy to pick up her scripts. I was driving around Walgreens and I was making the last turn around the building and the front end just dug in and it just stopped. I backed up a bit thinking maybe I had hit something lol but then tried to go forward and it dug in again. Got out and I could look at the top of the when and see that the UCA welds were broke and the front drive shaft was pulled. Luckily I could back up into the rear lot and called a wrecker. Waited 7 hours to get picked up. Yay Covid.

Towed to the local dealer. Got a call the next day saying it wasn’t covered under warranty because of being modified. Made him take a picture because I hadn’t done a thing to it. Sure enough it had a leveling kit on it. Called my dealer and asked wtaf. They looked into it and the original dealer’s sales manager was going to drive it and had the kit put on it the day before it transferred to me. My dealer covered it but they didn’t have to do so. Traded it a month later because the trans was a ticking time bomb.
Its not a bad idea, but I’d throw a set of either Dirt King or Cognito ball joint Upper Control Arms on for safe measure.
Thanks for the input.

However, I'm poor (okay, so not really, but...). I guess I could chalk it up to having other places to direct my funds. Those things are kinda expensive and I really don't care that much about leveling (at least, not at the moment). Maybe one day I'll make the jump, but it'll be a while. I've already spent close to a grand in the last week.

I've bookmarked this for future reference. I appreciate it!
Thanks for the input.

However, I'm poor (okay, so not really, but...). I guess I could chalk it up to having other places to direct my funds. Those things are kinda expensive and I really don't care that much about leveling (at least, not at the moment). Maybe one day I'll make the jump, but it'll be a while. I've already spent close to a grand in the last week.

I've bookmarked this for future reference. I appreciate it!
Well, you do have to save money for a paint job and all....