Guess Which State Is Exploring Replacing Gas Taxes With Surveillance?

EV is simply not sustainable for me. I live in rural south texas. Gas/diesel gas options, 5 within 7 miles. EV charging stations? 2 within 15 miles and most of the time they’re broke because people destroy them for the metals to sell. And when I make runs to west texas… forget it.
There will soon be an EV surcharge on every electricy bill you receive. They will also raise all vehicular license taxes. Your gonna pay for your neighbors EV one way or another. They proved this model works when they jacked up the price of ICE vehicles by 20% and we willingly paid them. Then we waved our dicks around about how great they are on this forum. Everything green is subsidized, they will get your cash by hook or by crook!

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There will soon be an EV surcharge on every electricy bill you receive. They will also raise all vehicular license taxes. Your gonna pay for your neighbors EV one way or another. They proved this model works when they jacked up the price of ICE vehicles by 20% and we willingly paid them. Then waved our dicks around about how fast they are on this forum. Everything green is subsidized, they will get your cash by hook or by crook!

There will soon be an EV surcharge on every electricy bill you receive. They will also raise all vehicular license taxes. Your gonna pay for your neighbors EV one way or another. They proved this model works when they jacked up the price of ICE vehicles by 20% and we willingly paid them. Then we waved our dicks around about how great they are on this forum. Everything green is subsidized, they will get your cash by hook or by crook!

Yes. If I read correctly, the electricity unit rate for the EV charging is higher than normal in California.

In a nutshell, California is finding all new ways and excuses for more taxes.
I'm sick of living here. Moving to Nevada next spring and can't wait. Maybe if California (Gavin Newscum) didn't "misplace" millions of dollars, they would have the money. It's one of the most corrupt states in the nation. Screw this place with a blazing hot iron rod!!!
Move to CO. I'll sell you a house
Is there any relief in sight for auto insurance, not sure about other states but Florida is ridiculous. $1800 every six months for my truck and my wife’s 2017 Hyundai Elantra.
FL is crazy high because of all of the law suits. I am in the same boat as run about $1500-$2000/year each.
Is there any relief in sight for auto insurance, not sure about other states but Florida is ridiculous. $1800 every six months for my truck and my wife’s 2017 Hyundai Elantra.
Arizona ain't much better. One way to get a better rate is call and ask to speak to a customer retention specialist. Tell them you want a better rate. They may have to write you another policy and cancel the old one. That's what happened to me last summer. Seems dumb as hell, but it works.

Rates are high cause your paying for everyone that doesn't carry insurance or is under insured. With wide ass open borders, they won't get cheaper with illegals loading up their rigs and hitting the roads.......and your truck.
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Is there any relief in sight for auto insurance, not sure about other states but Florida is ridiculous. $1800 every six months for my truck and my wife’s 2017 Hyundai Elantra.
i have a meticulously clean accident/claim free 35+ year history with USAA and my rates have gone up every 6 months, never once down. 3 months ago, i called and told them to get out of the insurance business. its clear you dont know how to underwrite. i told them you increase my rate because you know i will pay it. rewarding good driving habits are a flaw instead of a reward. i know how insurace works. companies gotta take the good with the bad but imo, shouldnt be off my back! i got a letter back from ceo wayne DB peacock. he said he felt my pain. period. what does that mean? fu USAA. suck on my johnson

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