Gone in 60 Seconds

Yep, I'm the kinda guy that would be running out the door grabbing the first thing on my way out might be bare hands, a vase, a lamp, or a gun depending upon what room I'm coming from but I'm engaging. In this case, it wouldn't matter cause the coroner would be scooping you up off the stoop!

I mean i always carry. If I'm awake and dressed, it's one my side, been that way 15+ years. But that wouldn't matter here. If someone has a rifle aimed at your door doesn't really matter what you walk out with. Lol, I'd be expecting a racoon or a coyote. So I'd probably even have a rifle. Still wouldn't matter with that situation. The homeowner said he opened the garage when he checked on his truck. Where that gunman was he easily had the drop on both doors.

Pretty scary actually. It's not uncommon for one of my teenagers to pop open the front door to see what the dog is barking at. Again typically expecting a four legged critter. Plus side is i do have a driveway alarm. So if anyone comes up to the house without going over the fence we get a different doorbell chime go off in the house and in my shop. If that thing goes off late at night, I pull up the camera's. If everyone is home anyone approaching the house past 10 or so is very unusual. But man, living at that house in the video. I could easily see it being my 17 year old who pops open the door to see what's going on.
Yes, a scary situation for sure, for me, I have a window above the garage that looks out over the driveway right off my bedroom, if that asshole wasn’t looking up at that window, his ass is toast before he could even look up, nightstand gun with Tritium night sights to the rescue!
too bad we could not rig truck with small explosive charge that can be set of remotely in the vehicle. Oops, that just my retired Navy Ordnance talking.!!! I would not want it back after stolen.
Wait til they load it up before you detonate. Get your money's worth.
Wait until they get it loaded up before detonation.
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Yes, a scary situation for sure, for me, I have a window above the garage that looks out over the driveway right off my bedroom, if that asshole wasn’t looking up at that window, his ass is toast before he could even look up, nightstand gun with Tritium night sights to the rescue!
You need a subgun with a laser/light and Eotch. I know a guy!


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I'm putting one of them in by my front door!
My wife got me that a few years ago for Christmas. It works great for what it is. When I go to bed it's where I put my EDC. So it gets opened a couple times a day. I keep a pistol and rifle in it for home use. Originally got it because of our youngest kid. But even with out kids, IMO, It's a much better option then just having them out in the open or propped up in a corner. Some idiot breaks in with a highpoint I'm not trying to level him up before we meet. I've been to friends houses where they have a shotgun or rifle beside the front door or hanging on the wall, ect. To each their own. All I can ever think is that seems like a really good way to make sure an intruder has a proper weapon if you are in a different part of the house when they gain access, lol. Makes me think of old arcade games where you go over power ups and your gun gets better.
My wife got me that a few years ago for Christmas. It works great for what it is. When I go to bed it's where I put my EDC. So it gets opened a couple times a day. I keep a pistol and rifle in it for home use. Originally got it because of our youngest kid. But even with out kids, IMO, It's a much better option then just having them out in the open or propped up in a corner. Some idiot breaks in with a highpoint I'm not trying to level him up before we meet. I've been to friends houses where they have a shotgun or rifle beside the front door or hanging on the wall, ect. To each their own. All I can ever think is that seems like a really good way to make sure an intruder has a proper weapon if you are in a different part of the house when they gain access, lol. Makes me think of old arcade games where you go over power ups and your gun gets better.
Yep, they are really practical and stealthy. I've got all mine in 4 different safes, but only one of them is easy to access. I figure my dogs give me first warning and then it's just me and Jesus!
They caught some of these little shit bags boosting these trucks at gunpoint. I love this video where that fuzzy headed little bastard is telling the judge he can trust him cause he hasn't been in trouble for 10 years. Yeah, you won't flee to Mexico cause you'd never steal another car to get there. These little fuckers should have been in front of a firing squad already. Why, because the rest of their gang is doing the same thing on the other side of town now.


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I lost all my guns the last time I went fishing....They all fell out of the boat.
When they kick in your door at 4AM, they'll help you find them....... that's how it works.
So my neighbor across the street texts me the other day to ask if I would be offended with him if he was to buy a black ZR2 like mine. He joked he didn’t want to infringe on my claim to the ZR2 in the neighborhood 🤣. Note our street has only 7 houses. I of course said no and the more ZR2s the merrier.

He then proceeds to tell me his black ‘23 High Country was stolen in less than a minute while he was out at a skating rink for a birthday party. He was able to see the video. He said they were there less than 15 minutes and the parking lot was being staked out.

He said he will be installing a kill switch of some sort and after his experience I’m thinking I need to do something too.
So my neighbor across the street texts me the other day to ask if I would be offended with him if he was to buy a black ZR2 like mine. He joked he didn’t want to infringe on my claim to the ZR2 in the neighborhood 🤣. Note our street has only 7 houses. I of course said no and the more ZR2s the merrier.

He then proceeds to tell me his black ‘23 High Country was stolen in less than a minute while he was out at a skating rink for a birthday party. He was able to see the video. He said they were there less than 15 minutes and the parking lot was being staked out.

He said he will be installing a kill switch of some sort and after his experience I’m thinking I need to do something too.
All this "technology" makes them easier to steal, not harder!
All this "technology" makes them easier to steal, not harder.
Yep. At least before they had to rip the wires out to hot wire t before they took off. That took at least an extra 20 seconds.

I love gadgets as much as the next person but sometimes I think the old days were the best.