EGR Filter System for GMC/Chevrolet 6.6 Duramax 2020-2025

We'll have full deletes and tunes soon enough. There'll be no enforcement of any of these problematic emissions crap soon enough. You'll just have to get a clean tune so you ain't puking out soot on your gear!
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It looks like the computer requires 8 credits which is $400. The you have to have it unlocked before you can program it which is another 600-1400. That doesnt include the tcm.
Has anyone tuned one of these? I wonder how much it is to unlock the computer and TCU for HPtuners.
HP Tuners has not cracked the code on the 24+ rigs. That's the new Global B computer architecture. I think tunes and the tuning interface tool is gonna run at least $2500. Duramax Tuner told me it would likely need a tool like Edge to load and run.
I just yanked my fass egr filter off a few days ago. The clamp upstream of the filter came loose 2 months after install and I fought it for a week but couldn’t get the surfaces mated up properly. Finally pulled the filter out to really inspect everything and the “clean side” pipe was just as filthy as the dirty side. Decided it was snake oil and put the oem pipe back in. Immediately noticed less engine vibration. Do not recommend, but if you want to take a crack at it I’ll give you a hell of a deal on it LOL
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IMG_4679.webpIMG_4678.webpIMG_4677.webpHard to show in pictures, but scraping around with a pick there’s no difference in soot build up.
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One of the things to keep in mind with the EGR, is that it does reduce cylinder temps by introducing cooler air. So any changes typically require tuning to be effective.

The problem with these emissions systems, is they were designed to function as a total unit. If you make changes, you usually have to address the whole system. At least some tuning is required.

That's why I think you need an emissions intact tune like Duramax Tuner, or a full delete and clean tune. Not sure I like the in between solutions for that reason.
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