DIY way to program a 2022 zr2 push start key fob

Jan 17, 2025
Hey yall. I was wondering if there is a DIY way to program a 2022 zr2 push start key fob, without having an actual programmer. My old key fob decided to completely die on me. Even with a new battery and placing it into the transmitter, there still no life coming from it. So I purchased a new unprogrammed key fob from the dealership, and now I'm wondering if someone out there can give me a step by step instructions to do this on my own...if remotely Possible
Hrmm, Canada (and especially Toronto) is like the car theft capital of the world... Go to a dealer.
Hey yall. I was wondering if there is a DIY way to program a 2022 zr2 push start key fob, without having an actual programmer. My old key fob decided to completely die on me. Even with a new battery and placing it into the transmitter, there still no life coming from it. So I purchased a new unprogrammed key fob from the dealership, and now I'm wondering if someone out there can give me a step by step instructions to do this on my own...if remotely Possible
They require programming and it does take a long time. They told me to to an hour when I did mine. Also I could tell they did some programming because I got update messages.

So I assume it will be an hour of labor or so at the dealer!