IH Big Iron at ease at the farm.
I hauled a lot of rock out of our fields in the spring before planting in this orange truck. Damn thing had horrible brakes. Had to sometimes grab the emergency brake lever next to the stick shift.
The grey and white pickup truck was my first truck I ever drove, four speed stick and we had glass packs on it (sounded great) . I got pulled over by the local Gestapo when I was 14 right after I got my license. He said you can't joy ride until your 15.......LMFAO. By the time I was 16, it had a cooler full of beer in the back. Did a lot of hunting and fishing with my dad and brother in that rig.
That Scout was my grandpa's rig and I drove around with him a lot and we hunted gophers along the prairie roads. I used to drive it between the fields with him when we moved farm equipment.
This wrecker was my great grandpa's that was used at his IH Farm Implement dealership. They recovered a lot of vehicles, especially in the winter. You can see it has a set of permanent jumper cables on the front quarter panel. My great grandpa had a heart attack and died while ice fishing on a lake north of our farm. My Dad used that wrecker to pull his truck off the ice and to town still dead in the truck seat.