Bed-cover / storage options

Mar 27, 2024
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I had a Diamondback HD cover on my Colorado ZR2... which had pros and cons... but overall was a bombproof option. The two major downsides were reaching in to get stuff from the bed out... and trying to put "tall" stuff in the bed. (think pressure-washer).

If I do that again, I'll likely also do a slider system. Solves problem one, not problem two, but we can't have it all.

But, I'm also really intrigued by the Decked drawer system. Any experience on here?
How secure is it? (seems good)
Does it fit well up to the sidewalls of the bed?

Looking for all opinions, thanks!
I've never really understood people running diamond back covers. I get they are strong, but actually using the truck bed seems pretty limited. Access seems like a pita. Guess it just depends on what you do.

I had a Decked in a previous duramax. The pervious version, not the ones that came out recently. It's pretty cool. Can put what ever on top and inside mine always stays 100% dry. Downside is you lose some bed space. The height and width does kind of limit what can fit inside it. Loading heavy things in the bed is also more of a pain because of the raised platform. Think Loading a heavy cooler or bags of quick Crete, pressure washer, ect. You have to set stupp up on the tailgate then lift it up on top of the Decked. I did like mine overall though. Access to tools was awesome. I went with a retractable bed cover now though. Tools aren't as easy access. But Loading heavy or oversized stuff is easier. Cover just retracts out of the way. Decked is nice though if it fits your needs
Would love a Decked system, perhaps someday. No real need right now. Currently I have a Retrax unit. Rolls up nice and gives me access fairly quick. Only downside is the loss of the 8" or so where the unit rolls into...
I've never really understood people running diamond back covers. I get they are strong, but actually using the truck bed seems pretty limited. Access seems like a pita. Guess it just depends on what you do.

I had a Decked in a previous duramax. The pervious version, not the ones that came out recently. It's pretty cool. Can put what ever on top and inside mine always stays 100% dry. Downside is you lose some bed space. The height and width does kind of limit what can fit inside it. Loading heavy things in the bed is also more of a pain because of the raised platform. Think Loading a heavy cooler or bags of quick Crete, pressure washer, ect. You have to set stupp up on the tailgate then lift it up on top of the Decked. I did like mine overall though. Access to tools was awesome. I went with a retractable bed cover now though. Tools aren't as easy access. But Loading heavy or oversized stuff is easier. Cover just retracts out of the way. Decked is nice though if it fits your needs
2x on the diamondback: super durable and secure but you really need a cargo glide or something to have any chance of accessing stuff.

We have the decked drawers in a few trucks at work and I have been happy with them; the next best thing to a utility body. We keep the drawers loaded with tools and they stay dry and secure while being easy to access. If you want to carry a lot of gear they are great.
Just like you said: the only significant downside is that you have to lift things higher.
Retrax XR. Happy with it. Like previously stated you lose 8 inches or so where unit rolls into. Best of luck.

Im getting a bed mat (limit sliding) next and am looking at Pelican/Contico cases for misc. tools etc.
Check out my Milwaukee setup on this thread costs about $400.

It's a little different take on bed storage and works great with a rolling, folding, or sliding tonneau. You get the convenience of having tools and gear at the back of the bed for ease of accessibility, but you can pull them and put them in your cab or elsewhere if you need the full bed!

I just ask you a Venmo the $800 which is the cost differential on the Decked system.