AZ ND Trip

Giving the ZR2 some work. This big flatbed was a little much. Thought the ol man would load another attachment to rear to balance load but he didn't. Only pulled it about 2000 feet across field, but don't think she'd do too well like this.

This little water tank trailer was a bit more suited for ZR2.

Tested out the multiflex tailgate. I thought you could get 8 foot 2x4 in there, but no not so unless trun them a little sideways.

Got some poles set and concrete poured this afternoon. I am glad my boy was here to help...... I'm too old for hard work.


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Found some birds this morning. Kya had a really good day. First day on roosters she had a nice point and retrieve on this rooster and my boy made a hell of a shot with my old Smith & Wesson Model 1300 12 guage shotgun I bought when I was 16.

Seen this small bull moose crossing the road on my way back to town.

I love this shit!


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Yes, my family farms and ranches here. Great grandparents homesteaded in early 1900s.

Moved to Arizona 30 years ago for work when I finished college when there wasn't much to be found in ND. Now It's easy to find work here as both agriculture and oil/ gas have been doing well for last 10-12 years.

I started a business with my Dad in 2011 providing fresh water for fracking oil wells. I've been spending a lot more time here and hope to split time with Arizona.

My wife will have 30 years teaching completed after this year. She's from here too. So we'll spend more time here then, but my wife likes Arizona weather better.

I can hardly take summers in AZ and winters in ND.....LOL......its got down to about 30 last few days and wind and rain. I damn near froze....... yet I've ice fished in -74 windchill in my early 20s.
Sounds like a unique business that you have found. I moved to Colorado in 1970 after the Nam days. Then Colorado was a nicer place to live IMO. This place has blown up in population and the traffic is a nightmare, much like Phoenix. I like some of the higher elevations in Arizona, like Prescott for year around living. Although it's growth has been crazy too. Nice country in the Dakota's in summer as you mentioned. I have a couple good friends from the military in southern Idaho that I visit. I like it a lot up there as it's a dry climate. I would never want to go back to east coast humidity!
Sounds like a unique business that you have found. I moved to Colorado in 1970 after the Nam days. Then Colorado was a nicer place to live IMO. This place has blown up in population and the traffic is a nightmare, much like Phoenix. I like some of the higher elevations in Arizona, like Prescott for year around living. Although it's growth has been crazy too. Nice country in the Dakota's in summer as you mentioned. I have a couple good friends from the military in southern Idaho that I visit. I like it a lot up there as it's a dry climate. I would never want to go back to east coast humidity!
I worked for a company based in Idaho. Spent a lot of time in Boise. It's a great town and climate is a bit more moderated.

Yeah Phoenix and Denver have seen a lot of growth in last 30 years. I suppose I shouldn't complain as that's kept me busy and always had decent projects to do.

Worked on some power projects in Western Colorado near Rifle, Craig, and Grand Junction and really liked it there. Like minded people in that side of the world. I really like Prescott too as well as Wickenburg and Chino Valley. Like you said even those areas have grown and politics are changing with influx of people.
My boy working on his Dmax now known as BADMAXX.....LOL. Had to replace dual thermostats. Was throwing a code and is a common maintenance issue. Pet usual there's always one hose and hard part blocking a bolt so it turns a 30 minute job into 1 hour.

If your gonna drive em, you gotta be able to work on them. $500 dollar dealer job for $50.


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My boy working on his Dmax now known as BADMAXX.....LOL. Had to replace dual thermostats. Was throwing a code and is a common maintenance issue. Pet usual there's always one hose and hard part blocking a bolt so it turns a 30 minute job into 1 hour.

If your gonna drive em, you gotta be able to work on them. $500 dollar dealer job for $50.
That's awesome. The water pump on the Duramax is a fun day too. :D
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That's awesome. The water pump on the Duramax is a fun day too. :D
I'm not sure I would tackle that one without a lift since its behind the steering box and driven off flywheel. My 2005 went out at just shy of 100k miles the 5 year warranty was out. GM warranties the part anyway and dealer gave me a couple hundred off labor. $1300 job cost me $800 and I was happy to pay it.
I'm not sure I would tackle that one without a lift since its behind the steering box and driven off flywheel. My 2005 went out at just shy of 100k miles the 5 year warranty was out. GM warranties the part anyway and dealer gave me a couple hundred off labor. $1300 job cost me $800 and I was happy to pay it.
My friend did his at about 100 K. That must be the failure mileage point. The Cummins is so easy, something like 4 bolts. My buddy is an accomplished mechanic and he said 5 hours., on the Max.
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My friend did his at about 100 K. That must be the failure mileage point. The Cummins is so easy, something like 4 bolts. My buddy is an accomplished mechanic and he said 5 hours., on the Max.
Just replaced mine on the ‘05 for the second time at like 197k miles…I can confirm twice it’s a 100k mile part 😅
Just replaced mine on the ‘05 for the second time at like 197k miles…I can confirm twice it’s a 100k mile part 😅
I think that is good service life from a vane style pump though. Years ago they would barely last 50K.
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I think that is good service life from a vane style pump though. Years ago they would barely last 50K.
100% agree…simply confirming 100k + is borrowed time from my x2 experience. To me, they fall into the valid maintenance wear items on a truck pushing 20 years old and been worked (the blown head gasket was a result of poor cooling engineering on the LLY though)
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My first one was a handful! She was bullet proof and fearless in her mind. Lots of vet bills from going too hard all the time. $2500 for a rattlesnake bite after she had avoidance training twice. I'd give another $10k to hunt with her again this weekend.

Kya found a small herd of antelope that I didn't see. First time she's seen anything like that and the race was on, she must have hit 25 mph to catch them. She blew rright through the ecollar on max and put about 1 mile on before she managed to turn the herd right back towards me. I wasn't sure I was going to see her again. She slept for 300 miles after that.

They are some crazy athletic dogs.....more than a handful sometimes.
I can attest. Mine is 8.5 yo and its been a love/hate relationship. 99.9% love but sometimes that 0.1% is big.
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Just replaced mine on the ‘05 for the second time at like 197k miles…I can confirm twice it’s a 100k mile part 😅
I hope you get a 3rd water I would give anything to have my 05 again. Dumbest thing I've did selling that rig. It was cherry with 150k miles. This was the sales ad picture. Probably the only truck I ever felt that way about.


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I can attest. Mine is 8.5 yo and its been a love/hate relationship. 99.9% love but sometimes that 0.1% is big.
Yep, the same way. I tied her up with a 20 foot check cord on the back of my truck hitch today when I was doing some work. She had me tied up in the rope in about three minutes. Then I let her go and she proceeded to lift these heavy 4 inch wired reinforced water hosed in pursuit of a gopher....... kept her busy for an 45 minutes tho.

Now she's camped out peacefully on my dad's couch while I watch some baseball and sip some Crown Royal. It'll start again at 6 AM.


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Got these well heads finished off with concrete one 60lb bag at a time. 4 posts at 6 bags each and two 30 inch x 24 inch well heads at 16 bags = 3360 lbs. One thing I've figured out..... pouring concrete in your 50s is like riding dirt bikes...... you think your 20 until you wake up next the morning stiff and sore and feel like your 70.

Pulled a load of pea gravel across the field with ZR2.......she ain't no 2500. This water tank with 150 gallons was a little more its speed.


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Got these well heads finished off with concrete one 60lb bag at a time. 4 posts at 6 bags each and two 30 inch x 24 inch will heads at 16 bags = 3360 lbs. One thing I've figured out..... pouring concrete in your 50s is like riding dirt bikes...... you think your 20 until you wake up next the morning stiff and sore and feel like your 70.

Pulled a load of pea gravel across the field with ZR2.......she ain't no 2500. This water tank with 150 gallon was a little more like it.
I hear you on the dirt bikes. I love those things and I've broken some body parts on myself over the years. I finally sold mine a couple years ago. I sold my street bike last fall. I figured with drivers not paying attention as much and me being 75 YO, it was time. I've been all over the world on motorcycles and it's the closest you can get to flying an airplane. I had a hard time selling my street bike! I'm glad you are keeping after the sport....... :D
Got these well heads finished off with concrete one 60lb bag at a time. 4 posts at 6 bags each and two 30 inch x 24 inch well heads at 16 bags = 3360 lbs. One thing I've figured out..... pouring concrete in your 50s is like riding dirt bikes...... you think your 20 until you wake up next the morning stiff and sore and feel like your 70.

Pulled a load of pea gravel across the field with ZR2.......she ain't no 2500. This water tank with 150 gallons was a little more its speed.
good job dude....thats the way i feel after a few hours on the quad AXE...but i will never give it up!!
I hear you on the dirt bikes. I love those things and I've broken some body parts on myself over the years. I finally sold mine a couple years ago. I sold my street bike last fall. I figured with drivers not paying attention as much and me being 75 YO, it was time. I've been all over the world on motorcycles and it's the closest you can get to flying an airplane. I had a hard time selling my street bike! I'm glad you are keeping after the sport....... :D
that sucks..maybe get a smaller bike??
Yep, it's a young man's sport. I broke my collar bone almost two years ago on my Ducati Hypermotard. First time I've ever been down on pavement since I got my license when I was 15. Front end washed out on a 20 mph easy corner. Haven't ridden it much since, but can't bear to sell it.

Here's one of my boys on his KX250F. Unfortunately, he just cooked the motor. I don't think pistons should sit sideways. Time for a rebuild.


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