Autostop Eliminator

I always turn it off (haven’t bought the eliminator for this truck yet, but I’ve used it on my last 3 trucks). I’ve been getting 17+ on almost every tank. I tend to drive more highway because I live in a more rural area. I’ve actually gotten a best of 22.9 on one trip. When I actually have had auto start/stop on, it does work with the AC but it’s based on load, so if it’s really hot outside and the system is commanding a lot of cooling, it will never stop the engine. But if it’s relatively cool, and the AC is on like 70, it will stop the engine every time.
Finally got around to putting this on mine. I was going to wait for Pulsar, but who knows when and if that's an option. The Auto stop eliminator isn't bad to install. You do have to remove several trim pieces. It actually goes quick and is pretty easy though.
Not to be argumentative, but auto start/stop will operate with the AC on. I copied this from the owners manual:

“Auto Stops may not occur and/or Auto Starts may occur because:
If equipped and enabled, the Stop/Start system will shut off the engine to help conserve fuel. It has components designed for the increased number of starts.
. The climate control settings require the engine to be running to cool or heat the vehicle interior.”

And as 8Ball_99 stated, I don’t want the added wear and tear.
I live in Scottsdale, and found that the auto-stop never shut the engine down when I had the AC running. Then when fall hit, and I actually stopped using the AC, it now engages.
Mine would randomly kick on. I'm sure it just depends on power load and the AC. I just rather it stay off. If for some reason I want it on, I'll turn it on. Having to constantly turn it off was just annoying to me. Drove quite a bit today and sure enough, if you turn it off. Every time you restart the truck, it turns off. 👍

I get the people saying just push the button every time. But come on, we have automatic headlights, rain sensing wipers, automatic reverse lights, cameras and automatic interior lights. Automatic heated seats and steering wheel. Automatic climate. We literally spent extra money for simple common functions to be automatic to not have to push buttons. Seems silly to me to have to push a button to turn something off every time I start my truck.
Anyone looking to turn off that Autostop/start function? I had this on my 2020 TB and it worked great so I bought one and installed it on my ZR2. Couldn‘t find installation instructions, so I had to figure it out myself. Part# is AE039 and it basically involves removal of a few trim panels, and moving the touchscreen to access the switch(plug&play)-about 9 or 10 screws. Definitely worth the $100!
A free way to turn off auto stop is to go into L9 (low 9). I don’t know if it was here or on YouTube that one of the ways to eliminate the chances of bent rods in the engine as well as stop the hideous sound, especially with exhaust systems is to put the truck into L9.

The other benefit is that your truck NEVER shuts off ant lights and effectively ends the need for any kind of mod to get rid of auto stop. Give it a try.
You over-exaggerate the wear.

Just to be clear, you think burning 2 minutes of fuel at every light for nothing is better than not burning two minutes of fuel if you don't have to. With non-hwy driving, that's about 25 minutes for me each way, sometimes more. So almost an hour of idling when I don't need to actually burn that fuel. It's pretty easy numbers for me to enjoy saving just that amount. It's certainly not an unnoticeable amount, considering I gain 2-3 mpg this way. I typically get 17-20 to and from work.
Unrelated to the auto start/stop argument but... HOW do you get 17-20mpg??? My commute is 25 miles one way and it's 99% highway and I get 15! Usually set cruise to 70-75
Unrelated to the auto start/stop argument but... HOW do you get 17-20mpg??? My commute is 25 miles one way and it's 99% highway and I get 15! Usually set cruise to 70-75
Agree, mileage is low in this bad boy. Didn’t necessarily expect anything on this front but I’m beginning to wonder if I got a hole in the tank 😅
Unrelated to the auto start/stop argument but... HOW do you get 17-20mpg??? My commute is 25 miles one way and it's 99% highway and I get 15! Usually set cruise to 70-75

Lol, I wonder that myself. My lifetime average on my truck is a little below 15mpg with a lot of highway miles. If I got out on the interstate and reset my mileage and just cruised with out stopping, I'm not sure I could get 20mpg. Much less average that during normal driving.
Lol, I wonder that myself. My lifetime average on my truck is a little below 15mpg with a lot of highway miles. If I got out on the interstate and reset my mileage and just cruised with out stopping, I'm not sure I could get 20mpg. Much less average that during normal driving.
I have 7500 miles lifetime average is 15.4. Thats what I get on the freeway at 75 and around town. 50 miles best is 27.5 going down hill at 30 mph in a blizzard.

I take it as people like to brag. Like the guy who sells his three old truck for more than he bought it for. Just roll your eyes like the rest of us.
Lol, I wonder that myself. My lifetime average on my truck is a little below 15mpg with a lot of highway miles. If I got out on the interstate and reset my mileage and just cruised with out stopping, I'm not sure I could get 20mpg. Much less average that during normal driving.
Lifetime average for me is 15.1 and most of my driving is freeway, and I usually just set cruise between 70-75. Not complaining, I was fully expecting a decrease in MPG coming from a 5.3 with smaller street tires. I just don't see how anyone can get a better lifetime avg than around 15-16 haha
Here's a great install video... they sell them as well but I got mine from Gen5DIY

I don't know about future pricing, but currently Gen5DIY has the Autostop Eliminator priced at $86.40 plus tax and shipping. Their webpage show $107, but when added to your cart it's $86.40 plus tax and shipping ($92.97 for my Texas location). That's a good deal as has the same module for $99.99 plus shipping ($106.99 to my door).
I don't know about future pricing, but currently Gen5DIY has the Autostop Eliminator priced at $86.40 plus tax and shipping. Their webpage show $107, but when added to your cart it's $86.40 plus tax and shipping ($92.97 for my Texas location). That's a good deal as has the same module for $99.99 plus shipping ($106.99 to my door).
I just REALLY like Gen5DIY so got mine through them. As long as the model number is AE039 it works for our trucks ( 22+ refresh models). I believe the guys in the video are out of stock on this one too.

Either way these panels are very easy to come off and install is pretty quick. I like how it recalls the last setting too.
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I really like the one I bought and installed. It's a bit more expensive, but it takes 5 minutes to install in the engine bay without all the disassembly in the video above.
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