6.6 Gas Borla Quiestions

Mar 6, 2025
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I’m looking at the Borla S-type cat back system for my ‘25 ZR2 2500 but wanted some first hand non YouTuber input from anyone that has one on their truck. I’m mainly looking for a better sound but don’t want it loud or to have an obnoxious sound level and drone in the cab while I’m at highway speeds. I’m on call for work and will have to start it at random times in the middle of the night so that is also a big concern for me at 3am, don’t want to piss off the neighbors if I have to remote start it in the middle of the winter while I’m getting dressed.
Fuck the neighbors. Fire it up! I start my bike at 4am regularly in the summer before work. If the neighbors don't like it, that's their problem. I gotta go to work.