5th wheel issues?

Sep 21, 2024
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Just picked up a 2500 zr2. Is the height causing any problem pulling 5th wheels? Or is it not tall enough to be an issue? Let me know what you have done or what you have seen!
It's just the way it goes with 5th wheels and goosenecks. It all depends on the pin height with the trailer level. If your trailer sits to low and you have clearance to go up. -13'.6" You could always flip your axles. That's the easiest cheapest way. Typically you want the bed rails to have a min of 5" of clearance.
Lifted trucks suck for 5th wheels. The ZR2 bed rail height is the same as previous model 2500HDs with a 6 inch lift. You'll taco the bed rails if you don't have enough clearance on uneven ground. I see crunched rails on lifted trucks all the time around here.

Some 5er hitches sit taller and can give you more clearance. Depends how tall it sits over the axles to some degree if you want a level trailer.
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It's just the way it goes with 5th wheels and goosenecks. It all depends on the pin height with the trailer level. If your trailer sits to low and you have clearance to go up. -13'.6" You could always flip your axles. That's the easiest cheapest way. Typically you want the bed rails to have a min of 5" of clearance.
Have you seen anybody on here pulling a 5th wheel with the zr2? And how did it go?
Lifted trucks suck for 5th wheels. The ZR2 bed rail height is the same as previous model 2500HDs with a 6 inch lift. You'll taco the bed rails if you don't have enough clearance on uneven ground. I see crunched rails all the time around here.

Some 5er hitches sit taller and can give you more clearance. Depends how tall it sits over the axles to some degree if you want a level trailer.
Have you seen anybody on here pulling a 5th wheel with the zr2?? How did it go in terms of clearances?
Have you seen anybody on here pulling a 5th wheel with the zr2? And how did it go?
Yes I've seen ZR2s hooked up to 5th wheels. But this doesn't mean anything. All trailers are different. New 5th wheels tend to sit up higher. It really will just depend on the trailer. My last camping trip I made friends with my neighbor. He had a couple year old Tremor HD and a new goose neck toyhauler. His trailer hit his bed rails pulling into the campground, lol. Another guy in the same campground had a lifted F250 that was at least as tall as my ZR2 if not a little taller and he had 5th wheel. No problems pulling into the campground. It's a case by case deal. You need to measure the camper before you buy it.

My Toyhauler is a travel trailer. But I actually have my drop hitch flipped to give me rise because my ZR2's hitch is lower then my trailer. Same time when I connect the same truck to my mother N law's camper I have to use a drop hitch because her camper is lower. Her camper is larger then mine, But it sits lower.
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You might want to check out this video from JB Reviews towing with his AT4X 2500 and his buddies 3500 SRW. He tows a decent size 5er with a Shocker gooseneck hitch attached. Goosneck sits pretty tall, so plenty of clearance over the bed. He also runs it through the scales, so you can see what the axle weights are doing.

Like 8ball_99 said every setup is different. You don't want to be measuring after you taco your bed. Minimum of 5 inches, but 6 would be better.

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