is the hvac just noisy?

Aug 12, 2024
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i have noticed since the day i picked up my truck that my hvac does allot of clicking and clunking. as a mechanic it just seems off to me but at the same time it doesn't make noises that seem like the blender doors are getting stuck or the motors are skipping. i haven't had time to go check out another one at a dealer so i figured id ask some of you if you have noticed the blend doors being a little noisy and put my concern that there is something wrong. the noises seem to happen when the temp either reached equilibrium or is turned hotter or colder. it could be from changing the vent orientation well now that i think about it i always run it in auto ill have to give that a try next time im in the truck.
Can’t say that I’ve noticed anything like that. Then again compared to my Jeep, this thing full blast is like a whisper.
Can’t say that I’ve noticed anything like that. Then again compared to my Jeep, this thing full blast is like a whisper.
So im not talking about just wind noise but like the shutters them selves
I haven’t heard mine making any of the noise you described.
Bdar66 any update? I just had this happen to me in my 22. I’m in Kansas for the holidays and this is the first time I have had the truck in freezing conditions. I opened the truck up to get something and the HVAC actuators were skipping like crazy. Started the truck and messed with all the controls and could not get it to duplicate. Was only happening when the truck was doing a system check before the ignition was pressed.
Disregard, just realized this is in the Colorado section