DFM Dissappearing?


Feb 21, 2023
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This guy is blowing alot of heat lately about emissions laws. Claims he's 95% right historically. He's saying GM is hustling the Trump Administration if they can shit can DFM technology and hence skirt current emissions regulations. We'll see what happens.

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I hope they relax the emissions standards some. Atleast push off the up coming changes in 2027. And I really hope they don’t force GPFs on gas vehicles. It's pretty obvious the regulations are out pacing technology. All the manufacturers seem to be struggling with reliability. I know it's not all emissions. But its not helping. Government loves spending other people's money. There is a reason they can't do anything without it blowing the budget. They pile on so much red tape. Everything just turns into a money pit with a mountain of problems.

Politicians can require all vehicles to run on unicorn farts by 2035. Then brag they are saving the planet, while they criss cross the world in private planes constantly, lol. What it cost and how to do it is not their problem. 🤦🏻
Most emissions issues can be squelched with proper tuning. I've run really clean tunes and not much soot in my diesel exhaust. I've even dialed back fueling in gassers cause I could smell fuel in the exhaust even though the dyno said the tuning was optimized.

One thing I really like about the DPF in my tow rigs is that when I tow my camper and boat I aint getting soot buried in my gel coat finish and on the plastic trim. So they clearly work for reducing soot and particulate matter.
Most emissions issues can be squelched with proper tuning. I've run really clean tunes and not much soot in my diesel exhaust. I've even dialed back fueling in gassers cause I could smell fuel in the exhaust even though the dyno said the tuning was optimized.

One thing I really like about the DPF in my tow rigs is that when I tow my camper and boat I aint getting soot buried in my gel coat finish and on the plastic trim. So they clearly work for reducing soot and particulate matter.

I'm not against all emissions. We definitely need to try to do better. I just think the government sucks at it. Just like to push to force EVs by 2035 or how California banning small engines. Or requiring ecery new home to have solar. They are so use to running in the red they don’t seem to care about cost. Government says vehicles should do this or that. Well that will cost 10 billion dollars. So what, it's a good thing, just make it happen, lol.
I'm not against all emissions. We definitely need to try to do better. I just think the government sucks at it. Just like to push to force EVs by 2035 or how California banning small engines. Or requiring ecery new home to have solar. They are so use to running in the red they don’t seem to care about cost. Government says vehicles should do this or that. Well that will cost 10 billion dollars. So what, it's a good thing, just make it happen, lol.
The problem I have with it, is that none of it is new technology. We've used this in the power generation world for decades. The car manufacturers have not innovated on anything they've brought to market in 10 years for ICE vehicles. In fact they've taken a step back and produce lower quality and less reliability for increasing costs. That's the wrong trajectory.

Whereas with EVs they are actually innovating and bringing better products to market. Those vehicles will get better every year while ICE vehicles will swirl around in the bowl. Fucking GM can't even keep the oil and water separated in $100k rigs, but we did that with steam engines centuries ago.