2024 3.0 diesel remote start

Sep 1, 2023
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Hey guys. I've tried googling and couldn't find anything.

Here recently it's been 26-28 degrees in the morning. I remote start the truck and when I get in to leave I notice the fan blower isn't blowing very hard at all while it's remote started, once I start the truck it goes to normal blower speed that the truck was turned off with.
I have checked settings and I have auto fan speed set to high hoping that would change it but it hasn't.

Makes me worry for the summer when it'll be 115 out for months. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you
Hey guys. I've tried googling and couldn't find anything.

Here recently it's been 26-28 degrees in the morning. I remote start the truck and when I get in to leave I notice the fan blower isn't blowing very hard at all while it's remote started, once I start the truck it goes to normal blower speed that the truck was turned off with.
I have checked settings and I have auto fan speed set to high hoping that would change it but it hasn't.

Makes me worry for the summer when it'll be 115 out for months. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you
Interesting question, in all my research and time on forums I’ve never come across this topic…my gut tells me there isn’t a way to adjust settings while remote started. I sometimes wonder if I can adjust when the heater steering wheel is automatically turned on or not as it can be relatively warm for me and it’s on. Be interesting to see if someone knows different.
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The reason for low speed default of the fan is because of the turbo actuator shaft has to acclamate and hi fan speed will accelerate exhaust fumes into the cab..
I had a 22 and live in a cold climate and according to GM there is no fix.. So I got rid of the baby Duramax ...junk!
I have a 23 ZR2 with the 6.2 and it took has issues that GM acknowledged but refused to fix...In my opinion GM is awful.
Ya I know you all wanna say they all have there wows but really all I get from GM is lies and ignorance!
I will never give GM another nickel of my money.. Oh by the way I have 86k invested in the 23 and I got a recent quote on it's value with 2k miles on it. Wait for it...
Even the dealerships know there junk!
My baby diesel spent three months at the dealership for repairs over 11 months and 6k miles.
Along with using 3 quarts of oil in 4 k miles.
Every time I pulled the dipstick out it had complete coverage of metallic shinny s on it ..not impressed
And yes the showed me the leaky exhaust bulletin as exceptable along with the bulletin that states it's ok to have 3 quarts of oil consumption in 5k miles🤣😅😂
What luck ayh !
My baby diesel spent three months at the dealership for repairs over 11 months and 6k miles.
Along with using 3 quarts of oil in 4 k miles.
Every time I pulled the dipstick out it had complete coverage of metallic shinny s on it ..not impressed
And yes the showed me the leaky exhaust bulletin as exceptable along with the bulletin that states it's ok to have 3 quarts of oil consumption in 5k miles🤣😅😂
What luck ayh !
Yeah they just write their own rules to cover for the shitty engineering and cost cutting. Yet I bought one. 🤣 These forums are great but it does amplify problems that some (hopefully most) will never encounter.
Hey guys. I've tried googling and couldn't find anything.

Here recently it's been 26-28 degrees in the morning. I remote start the truck and when I get in to leave I notice the fan blower isn't blowing very hard at all while it's remote started, once I start the truck it goes to normal blower speed that the truck was turned off with.
I have checked settings and I have auto fan speed set to high hoping that would change it but it hasn't.

Makes me worry for the summer when it'll be 115 out for months. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you
i thought all those parameters were in our settings menu.
I've never figured it out and would like max cooling for summer, but it is only slightly cooler after 5 minutes after autostart. I will say that the AC gets cold fast and seats blow alot more air than my previous truck.
Hey guys. I've tried googling and couldn't find anything.

Here recently it's been 26-28 degrees in the morning. I remote start the truck and when I get in to leave I notice the fan blower isn't blowing very hard at all while it's remote started, once I start the truck it goes to normal blower speed that the truck was turned off with.
I have checked settings and I have auto fan speed set to high hoping that would change it but it hasn't.

Makes me worry for the summer when it'll be 115 out for months. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you
I just bought a 2024 Zr2 with the Duramax and had the same wonder as you. I learned that until the engine gets warm enough in remote start or on auto, it won’t turn the fan on and waste time blowing cold air. Let it run for a while and see if it blows warm air eventually. I found a thread on Reddit that explained this, but I had to dig deep. The dealership was no help, nor was the owners manual. Hope this helps. Keep us posted.
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Interesting question, in all my research and time on forums I’ve never come across this topic…my gut tells me there isn’t a way to adjust settings while remote started. I sometimes wonder if I can adjust when the heater steering wheel is automatically turned on or not as it can be relatively warm for me and it’s on. Be interesting to see if someone knows different.
My 1500 almost seemed too hot to use in the temps around here. I couldn't even keep my hands on it.

So I noticed yesterday that my 2500HD steering wheel heater seemed to drop to a lower temp after I started driving. It was hot when I got in it after autostart, but then cooled down a few miles down the road.

I have no idea if there's some settings or not. Everything seems random on these rigs.