2023 Silverado Order Guide is live.

So, if Chevy is close to stopping the 2022's and starting the 2023's, does this make our ZR2's a limited run?
So, if Chevy is close to stopping the 2022's and starting the 2023's, does this make our ZR2's a limited run?
No. They're building the 2022s all the way through mid September so they are definitely not a limited run.
Amen to the suede headliner. Came in my 2013 991 S, which I bought used. Before that I wouldn’t have checked the box, but now it’s a must-have if available.

But the most important changes GM can make to the ZR2, IMO, are 35’s and the baby Duramax. That engine is butter!
Effective 6/20/2022, the following changes will be made to the Vehicle Order Guide:
  • Interior section-(N06) Steering column lock, updated footnote 1 to read, "Beginning with start of production, certain vehicles may be forced to include (R7N) Not Equipped with Steering Column Lock, which removes Steering Column Lock. See dealer for details.'.